Hello! Today I have a very fun Lorax website to share with you. It has TONS of cool options.
There are four games you can play on the website. Ted's Scooter Dash, Don't Whack the Lorax, Dodgeberry Blast, and Humming Fish and Swomee Swan Survival.
Ted's Scooter Dash is a game where you (Ted) are riding around Thneedville and have to watch out for obstacles and get extra lives.
To adjust the speed, you have to use the up and down arrow keys. To move, you use the left and right arrows.
The next game, is called Don't Whack the Lorax. In this game, O'Hare's will pop up as well as Lorax's and you must whack Mr. O'Hare and not the Lorax!!
Next, is Dodgeberry Blast! This game is similar to Dodgeball, but with Bar-Ba-Loots and Truffula Berries! You play as a Bar-Ba-Loot and you have to dodge berries thrown at you, and throw berries at other Bar-Ba-Loots.
The last game is Humming Fish and Swomee Swan Survival. You choose to play as a Humming Fish or Swomee Swan and travel either above the trees, or under the water and avoid obstacles and collect bonuses.
There is lots more to this awesome site, so explore it yourself or stay tuned for more posts!
There are many versions of the Lorax, but this post is all about the book written by Theodore Geisel or, Dr. Seuss.
The book was published in 1971 by Random House
It is 45 pages long
In 2012, The Lorax was named one of the "Top 100 Picture Books" of all time by a School Library Journal online poll
The line, "I hear things are just as bad up in Lake Erie" was removed over 14 year after the book was published when two people wrote to Dr. Seuss about the cleaning up of Lake Erie
Two audio book versions of the Lorax have been released. One by Ted Danson in the U.S and one by Rik Mayall in the U.K
Some copies of the Lorax are printed on recycled paper!
Recently I was watching my favorite Minecrafter, paulsoaresjr. He was playing on a server and saw a new building being built by his house and was complaining about the smog and smoke and gross stuff that would come to his nice environmentally friendly area. And the best part, he said, "It's like the Lorax over here." I thought that was pretty awesome that he mentioned the Lorax! Click here for the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRab79VZims&list=SPEbtIY4p_ltrjSs87H_863ivSQvDd5EyE&index=51
Have you ever seen Despicable Me? It is a very funny movie, but one of my favorite things is what the oldest sister,Margo, is wearing. She has on this awesome Lorax shirt! I think this is such a cool little detail, and I want that shirt for myself!
Lorax: Danny DeVito Ted: Zac Efron Audrey: Taylor Swift Grammy Norma: Betty White Mrs. Wiggins: Jenny Slate Mr. O'Hare: Rob Riggle Once-Ler: Ed Helms Forest Animals: Chris Renaud Once-Ler's Mom: Nasmin Pedrad Uncle Ubb: Stephen Tobolowsky Aunt Grizelda: Elmarie Wendel Brett/Chet: Danny Cooksey Director: Chris Renaud Co Director: Kyle Balda